Thursday, March 10, 2016

Parashat P'kudei, 5776/2016 thoughts

[Originally posted Tuesday, March 08, 2016]
I'm struck, again, by the mention of Leviim/Levites functioning as assistants to the Kohanim/Priests before their official appointment, as well as by HaShem's command to Moshe Rabbeinu/Moses Our Teacher to assemble the entire Mishkan/Sanctuary singlehandedly. And the cloud-by-day, fire-by-night still sounds like a description of a volcano to me.
See also Pekudei, Pekuday, Pekude, Pekudey, P’kude, P’qude . . .

Thursday, March 10, 2016 update:

~ Conservadox:  "even the wisest artists and prophets need Divine assistance"
~ Rabbi Dov Linzer, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah:  If our work transcends us, we've created a place for HaShem.
~ Rav Shlomo Riskin, Founder and Chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone Institutions:  HaShem forgives and protects.
~ I welcome my newest d'var Torah "contributor," Rav David Stav, Co-Chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone Institutions and the named successor to Rabbi Riskin:  "Hashem holds back the Divine Presence whenever a member of the People of Israel is prevented from participating."

Quick last-minute links from the Orthodox Union's divrei Torah:
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran


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